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Weka Organisation’s Entrepreneurial Support initiatives aim at creating opportunity for building a larger business community in Democratic Republic of Congo through leading a full-frontal assault on the systematic barriers that limit the prospects for aspiring LGBT youth entrepreneurs. 



Our vision is large: A community where LGBT youth entrepreneurs and marginalised small business owners are fully integrated and have the same opportunities to realise their dreams. 



Our strategy is to use our local, regional and national networks to build a sustainable infrastructure that will work with established and aspiring LGBT youth and marginalised groups entrepreneurs to:


  • Identify gaps in education, credentialing and personal networks,


  • Provide relevant workshops, training and education, provide advice, improve access to business development supports, organise formal mentoring, and help navigate social barriers to obtaining capital and other supports,


  • Foster the development of new sources of funding for youth and marginalised groups entrepreneurs.


We believe in the empowerment of LGBT youth and marginalised groups, and through close collaboration with different levels of non-government organisations and other marginalised groups-led organisations, Weka Organisation intends on acting as a catalyst for economic security, equal representation and opportunity in Democratic Republic of Congo. Our intention is to support LGBT Youth and Marginalised groups in addressing language barriers, securing recognition for hard-earned but often unrecognised education and experience, and learning the formal and informal rules of entrepreneurial small business culture.


We intend on positioning LGBT with skills to:


  • Overcome prejudicial attitudes towards their sexual orientation and gender identity, religion, tribe...

  • Limited linkages and knowledge of the business sector,

  • The struggle of being unmatched with compassionate and understanding mentors and advisors,

  • Fettered access to capital, 

  • And the unmet promise of enjoying full and equal access to economic life. 


Through programming and support, our goal is to put LGBT Youth and marginalised groups entrepreneurs in a better position to develop their businesses and to obtain capital. A strong economy is a diverse one, and in time we believe the success LGBT Youth and marginalised groups entrepreneurs achieve will have a positive effect in shaping the wider business environment and attitudes towards our community. 



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